Quick­set Adjustable Torque Screw­drivers pro­vide a high lev­el of adjusta­bil­i­ty and a wide range of torque which makes them suit­able for a broad range of appli­ca­tions. These tools are durable, easy to use, and the unique Slip­ping Tech­nol­o­gy means that the risk of over or under tight­en­ing is eliminated.
A vis­i­ble scale allows the user to adjust the tool to their desired torque set­ting, enabling a range of dif­fer­ent torque set­tings to be applied. High qual­i­ty, robust con­struc­tion and hard-wear­ing mate­ri­als, (includ­ing stain­less steel and alu­mini­um) ensures years of depend­able service.
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