Dif­fi­cult work­ing con­di­tions often apply in san­i­tary, heat­ing and pipeline con­struc­tion. Tight main­te­nance spaces and lit­tle free­dom of move­ment some­times come up against sen­si­tive sys­tem com­po­nents and mate­ri­als, which is why GEDORE instal­la­tion tools were developed.

The GEDORE range of instal­la­tion tools includes pipe cut­ters, flar­ing tools and match­ing acces­sories as well as dif­fer­ent span­ners that can be used to effi­cient­ly mas­ter every­day work. GEDORE instal­la­tion tools are devel­oped for the sole pur­pose of sup­port­ing the user and mak­ing work effi­cient and safe — and this is evi­dent in every sin­gle tool, from the cut­ting wheel to the radi­a­tor valve span­ner. They are extreme­ly robust and durable. 

GEDORE pipe cut­ters reli­ably deliv­er clean cuts on steel and cast-iron pipes, elec­tri­cal instal­la­tion pipes, mul­ti-lay­er com­pos­ite pipes and oth­er spe­cial pipes. There is no need for tedious debur­ring and the work can there­fore be com­plet­ed quickly.

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