Website Terms and Conditions

Please read care­ful­ly the fol­low­ing Terms and Con­di­tions. They apply to the Web­site which is owned and oper­at­ed by Gedore Torque Ltd and, by access­ing the Web­site, you are agree­ing to abide and be bound by such Terms and Con­di­tions. Gedore Torque Ltd & Torque­leader is a reg­is­tered trade­mark of Gedore Torque Ltd.

No charge is made for your use of the Web­sites (unless oth­er­wise stat­ed), although you should be aware that tele­phone call charges, at rates deter­mined by your tele­phone oper­a­tor, may apply.

1. Def­i­n­i­tions

In these Terms and Con­di­tions the fol­low­ing terms shall have the mean­ings set out below:

“Page” means any page on a Website;

“Gedore Torque” means Gedore Torque Ltd

“Web­sites” means the web­sites with their home pages as set out below (and “Web­site” means any one of them): — pub­lished by Gedore Torque Ltd and any oth­er site or web address owned or oper­at­ed by Gedore Torque Ltd as may link to these Terms and Con­di­tions from time to time.

2. Accept­able Use Policy

You agree to abide by all applic­a­ble laws, reg­u­la­tions and codes of con­duct and ensure that any con­tent uploaded or dis­trib­uted or stored by you does not infringe the rights of others.

All mate­r­i­al on the Web­sites and any mate­r­i­al sent to you by e‑mail or any oth­er form from the Web­sites (the “con­tent”) or in any way relat­ing to the Web­sites belong to us. You may retrieve and dis­play con­tent from the Web­sites on a com­put­er screen, print a sin­gle copy of indi­vid­ual pages on paper and store such pages for caching pur­pos­es only, all for your per­son­al and non-com­mer­cial use alone.

We own the copy­right and all oth­er intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights asso­ci­at­ed with the con­tent save where oth­er­wise stated.

You may not do any of the fol­low­ing with­out pri­or writ­ten per­mis­sion from us:

Repro­duce, oth­er than allowed under this Accept­able Use Pol­i­cy, or mod­i­fy any of the con­tent includ­ing research mate­r­i­al dis­trib­uted to you from our research department;

redis­trib­ute any of the con­tent (includ­ing using it as part of any library, archive or sim­i­lar service);

remove the copy­right or trade mark notice(s) from any copies of content;

cre­ate a data­base in elec­tron­ic or struc­tured man­u­al form by sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly down­load­ing and stor­ing all and any of the content.

You may not use our trade­marks with­out our pri­or writ­ten per­mis­sion and then only in accor­dance with the rights you have been grant­ed. Oth­er prod­uct and com­pa­ny names and logos men­tioned or dis­played in the Web­sites may be the trade­marks, ser­vice marks or trad­ing names of third parties.

In access­ing the Web­sites, or any one of them, you agree not to:

imper­son­ate anoth­er per­son or use a false name or a name you are unau­tho­rised to use or cre­ate a false iden­ti­ty or e‑mail address or try to mis­lead oth­ers as to the iden­ti­ty or ori­gin of any communications;

mod­i­fy, access or make avail­able data stored on a com­put­er device which you have accessed through our network;

make avail­able or upload files that con­tain soft­ware or oth­er mate­r­i­al, data or infor­ma­tion not owned or licensed to you or col­lect infor­ma­tion about oth­ers (e.g. names/addresses) with­out their pri­or consent;

dam­age, inter­fere with or dis­rupt access to the Web­sites or do any­thing which may inter­rupt or impair their functionality;

make any com­mer­cial or busi­ness use of the Web­sites or resell or com­mer­cial­ly ben­e­fit from any part or aspect of the Websites;

pub­lish, post, dis­trib­ute, dis­sem­i­nate or oth­er­wise trans­mit defam­a­to­ry, offen­sive, infring­ing, obscene, inde­cent or oth­er unlaw­ful or objec­tion­able mate­r­i­al or information;

threat­en, harass, stalk, abuse, dis­rupt or oth­er­wise vio­late the rights (includ­ing rights of pri­va­cy and pub­lic­i­ty) of others;

make avail­able, upload or dis­trib­ute by any means any mate­r­i­al or files that con­tain any virus­es, bugs, cor­rupt data, “tro­jan hors­es”, “worms” or any oth­er harm­ful software;

fal­si­fy the true own­er­ship of soft­ware or oth­er mate­r­i­al or infor­ma­tion con­tained in files made avail­able via the Websites;

obtain or attempt to obtain unau­tho­rised access, through what­ev­er means, to the Web­sites, oth­er ser­vices or com­put­er sys­tems or areas of our or any of our part­ners’ networks;

set up links from any web­site con­trolled by you to any Page, except to the home page of a par­tic­u­lar Web­site, with­out our express writ­ten permission;

assist oth­ers to do any of the above.

We retain the absolute right to pre­vent you from access­ing the Web­sites, with­out prej­u­dice to any of our accrued rights, where we in our sole dis­cre­tion con­sid­er it right to do so or we con­sid­er in our sole dis­cre­tion that you are con­tra­ven­ing our Accept­able Use Pol­i­cy or any oth­er term or con­di­tion of these Terms and Conditions.

3. Reg­is­tra­tion

Where any of the Web­sites (or Pages on any of the Web­sites) require that you reg­is­ter in order to use them, you are oblig­ed to pro­vide accu­rate and com­plete reg­is­tra­tion infor­ma­tion. It is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to update and main­tain any changes to that infor­ma­tion (includ­ing your e‑mail address) by alter­ing your details as appropriate.

Reg­is­tra­tion is for a sin­gle user only. On reg­is­tra­tion, where required you must choose a user name and pass­word. We do not allow any of the following:

any oth­er per­son shar­ing your user name and password;

access through a sin­gle user name and pass­word being made avail­able to mul­ti­ple users on a network.

4. E‑mail Policy

We reserve the right to take such action as we in our sole dis­cre­tion deem fit in respect of any elec­tron­ic mail (“e‑mail”) which con­tains threat­en­ing, abu­sive, mali­cious, porno­graph­ic, obscene, defam­a­to­ry or oth­er­wise ille­gal or inap­pro­pri­ate material.

5. Lia­bil­i­ties

You agree that we have no con­trol over third par­ty con­tent and infor­ma­tion which can be accessed using the Web­sites and that we do not exam­ine or edit the use to which you or oth­ers put the Web­sites or the nature of the con­tent or infor­ma­tion being accessed and that we are exclud­ed from all lia­bil­i­ty of any kind aris­ing from such con­tent or infor­ma­tion. You agree that except for death or per­son­al injury aris­ing through our neg­li­gence, to the fullest extent per­mit­ted by law, we exclude any lia­bil­i­ty what­so­ev­er for any loss or dam­age aris­ing from use of the Web­sites. You fur­ther­more agree to indem­ni­fy us in the man­ner set out in clause 6 below in rela­tion to your use of the Websites.

We take all such steps as are rea­son­ably nec­es­sary to pro­vide a fast and reli­able web­site, but exclude to the fullest extent per­mit­ted by law any lia­bil­i­ty for the secu­ri­ty of the ser­vices on the Web­sites or for any dis­rup­tion of the Web­sites how­ev­er caused, loss of or cor­rup­tion of any mate­r­i­al in tran­sit, or loss of or cor­rup­tion of mate­r­i­al when down­loaded onto any com­put­er systems.

We pro­vide access to the Web­sites on an “as is” basis and make no rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties of any kind as to the Web­sites or the con­tent. We make no rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties about the accu­ra­cy, com­plete­ness or suit­abil­i­ty for any pur­pose of the con­tent pub­lished on the Web­sites. Any lia­bil­i­ty, how­ev­er it occurs, for any such inac­cu­ra­cies or errors are express­ly exclud­ed to the fullest extent per­mit­ted by law.

A per­son who is not a par­ty to this Agree­ment may not exer­cise any rights under the Con­tracts (Rights of Third Par­ties) Act 1999.

6. Indem­ni­ty

You agree to indem­ni­fy and hold us and any of our offi­cers, employ­ees and agents harm­less from and against all and any expens­es, loss­es, lia­bil­i­ties, dam­ages, costs or expens­es incurred or suf­fered and any claims or legal pro­ceed­ings which are brought or threat­ened, in each case aris­ing from your use of, or con­duct on, the Web­sites and/or a breach of the Accept­able Use Pol­i­cy and/or any of these Terms and Conditions.

7. Soft­ware and Security

We are not respon­si­ble for any tech­ni­cal or oth­er issues that may arise if you down­load soft­ware from an exter­nal third par­ty web­site (e.g. Acro­bat Read­er) or upgrade your brows­er soft­ware to enhance your usage of the Websites.

8. Changes to these Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to make changes to any part of the Web­sites. Due to our pol­i­cy of updat­ing and improv­ing the Web­sites, it may there­fore be nec­es­sary to change these Terms and Conditions.

If you use any of the Web­sites after we have pub­lished such changes, you will be agree­ing to be bound by those changes. If you do not agree to be bound by them, you should not use the Websites.

9. Adver­tis­ing and Sponsorship

The Web­sites may con­tain adver­tis­ing and spon­sor­ship. Adver­tis­ers and spon­sors are respon­si­ble for ensur­ing that mate­r­i­al sub­mit­ted for inclu­sion on the Web­sites com­plies with applic­a­ble laws, codes and reg­u­la­tions. We exclude to the fullest extent per­mit­ted by law any respon­si­bil­i­ty for any error or inac­cu­ra­cy appear­ing in any adver­tis­ing or spon­sor­ship material.

We do not allow third par­ties to use cook­ies if they adver­tise on our Web­sites and Pages. If you sus­pect or have rea­son to believe that an adver­tis­er has used a cook­ie or any invis­i­ble pro­cess­ing in con­junc­tion with an adver­tise­ment please let us know.

10. Ter­mi­na­tion

We may ter­mi­nate the pro­vi­sion of any of the Web­sites or restrict your access to them with­out any pri­or notice to you where (by way of exam­ple and with­out limitation):

there is a reg­u­la­to­ry or statu­to­ry change lim­it­ing our abil­i­ty to pro­vide a Website;

any event beyond our rea­son­able con­trol pre­vents us from con­tin­u­ing to pro­vide a Web­site; or

we con­sid­er in our sole dis­cre­tion that it is nec­es­sary to do so or you are oth­er­wise act­ing in breach of these Terms and Conditions.

11. Addi­tion­al Services

From time to time we may pro­vide ser­vices through the Web­sites and Pages how­ev­er, the down­load time may vary con­sid­er­ably between the types of con­tent and you agree that you are whol­ly liable and respon­si­ble for any tele­phone call and/or oth­er charges incurred in down­load­ing the same.

12. E‑commerce

Your deal­ings with any third par­ties, in par­tic­u­lar adver­tis­ers and/or mer­chants, via the Web­sites, and any terms or con­di­tions agreed with, or rep­re­sen­ta­tions giv­en by, such third par­ties, are sole­ly between you and such third par­ty. You agree that we are not liable for such deal­ings, and you agree to indem­ni­fy us in the man­ner referred to in clause 6 above in rela­tion to such dealings.

13. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Con­di­tions shall be gov­erned by and inter­pret­ed in accor­dance with the laws of Eng­land and Wales and you irrev­o­ca­bly agree that the courts of Eng­land shall have exclu­sive juris­dic­tion to set­tle any dis­pute which may arise out of, under, or in con­nec­tion with, these Terms and Conditions.

14. Gen­er­al

You may not assign, sub-license or oth­er­wise trans­fer any of your rights under these Terms and Con­di­tions. If any part of these Terms and Con­di­tions is found to be invalid by any court hav­ing com­pe­tent juris­dic­tion the valid­i­ty of the remain­ing terms will be unaf­fect­ed. If either par­ty does not exer­cise any right or rem­e­dy under these Terms and Con­di­tions, this will not be tak­en to mean that they have been waived.

15. Con­tact

If you have any queries con­cern­ing any part of these Terms and Con­di­tions please con­tact us by email, using the address indi­cat­ed in the Web­site to which your query relates.

16. Cook­ies

This sec­tion con­tains an overview of pri­va­cy on these Web­sites for more detail you must review and read the Terms and Con­di­tions in con­junc­tion with our Pri­va­cy Policy.

We use Cook­ies on our web­sites and pages, pri­mar­i­ly to help you nav­i­gate around the Web­sites. These are so-called ses­sion cook­ies and are temporary.

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