Our Commitment.
For over 100 years, GEDORE tools have been develÂoped with the aim of achievÂing an extremeÂly long serÂvice life. With many GEDORE tools used in proÂducÂtion enviÂronÂments around the world for extendÂed periÂods of time, the GEDORE brand is known to repÂreÂsent the highÂest qualÂiÂty and safeÂty stanÂdards in torque fasÂtenÂing & tool technology.
Our comÂmitÂment is to delivÂer a susÂtainÂable prodÂuct life cycle and the safe use of our tools, savÂing resources and the enviÂronÂment. This is carÂried through every process: prodÂuct develÂopÂment, proÂducÂtion, marÂketÂing soluÂtions, calÂiÂbraÂtion serÂvices, and the repair and mainÂteÂnance of oldÂer models.
People & Partners
Skills need to be susÂtainÂable too, and we invest in trainÂing and develÂopÂment for all perÂsonÂnel. While craft and techÂnolÂoÂgy skills are an obviÂous focus, team and comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion skills are also extremeÂly imporÂtant. The stronger the team, the betÂter the qualÂiÂty of cusÂtomer service.
In fact, the whole GEDORE Tool Group depends on teamÂwork, for the simÂple reaÂson that it is essenÂtial to sucÂcess in a globÂal marÂket. As a GEDORE cusÂtomer, you have access to this wider team and benÂeÂfit directÂly from a fast, effiÂcient, and cost-savÂing interÂnaÂtionÂal supÂply chain.
Nor can we forÂget our supÂpliÂers, whose own skills and dedÂiÂcaÂtion help us proÂvide world-beatÂing prodÂucts and serÂvices. Good supÂpliÂer relaÂtionÂships are essenÂtial to the susÂtainÂabilÂiÂty of a globÂal busiÂness, and the Gedore Tool Group is forÂtuÂnate to have forged such strong links over the years with so many excepÂtionÂal companies.
As a major procesÂsor of steel, the GEDORE Tool Group fulÂly accepts its responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty to minÂimise waste and harmÂful emisÂsions. A priÂorÂiÂty is the proÂtecÂtion of the air qualÂiÂty, hydrolÂoÂgy and geolÂoÂgy at and around our manÂuÂfacÂturÂing sites.
Our belief is that effecÂtive enviÂronÂmenÂtal stewÂardÂship is essenÂtial to the future of manÂuÂfacÂture. CenÂtres of proÂducÂtion can only be susÂtainÂable if manÂuÂfacÂturÂers make posÂiÂtive efforts to safeÂguard natÂurÂal resources for long term use. SpeÂcifÂic meaÂsures takÂen by GEDORE and othÂer GEDORE Tool Group comÂpaÂnies include:
- ElecÂtroÂplatÂing uses sealed water and chemÂiÂcal circulation.
- Slide-grindÂing is water-free, using centrifuges.
- ForgÂing uses low-emisÂsion enerÂgy supplies.
- PowÂder coatÂing uses reclaÂmaÂtion technology.
- All waste disÂposÂal operÂaÂtions are legalÂly comÂpliÂant and fulÂly auditable, and carÂried out by skilled personnel.
Our Products. Premium Brands.
Our preÂmiÂum brands meet the highÂest qualÂiÂty stanÂdards in the world. They are, quite simÂply, the best posÂsiÂble investÂment if you require tools and workÂshop equipÂment that will perÂform optiÂmalÂly for many years.
GEDORE Torque Tools
The world’s most advanced and comÂpreÂhenÂsive range of Torque Tools, appliÂcaÂtions and serÂvices. GEDORE Torque Tools proÂvide the accuÂraÂcy and reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty required for almost every torque appliÂcaÂtion and have been proven across a wide range of indusÂtries and demandÂing environments.
GEDORE Hand Tools and Workshop Equipment
Our 3700 sq. metres facilÂiÂty in SkipÂton, North YorkÂshire stocks the catÂaÂlogue ranges for the GEDORE Group prodÂucts includÂing hand tools, workÂshop equipÂment and bespoke tool assortments.
GEDORE Germany
GEDORE is one of the world’s leadÂing partÂners for preÂmiÂum tools. The famÂiÂly comÂpaÂny based in RemÂscheid in GerÂmany has been manÂuÂfacÂturÂing high-qualÂiÂty tools, speÂcial tools and taiÂlor-made soluÂtions for indusÂtry and trade since 1919.
Our History
The world’s finest proÂfesÂsionÂal torque tools, hand tools, and workÂshop equipÂment since 1919.
About Us
The GEDORE qualÂiÂty promise ensures we can proÂvide tools that are at their very best; they are ‘tools for life’.
Find a Dealer
Our disÂtribÂuÂtors in over 48 counÂtries are facÂtoÂry trained to give a full serÂvice and are able to recÂomÂmend the best prodÂucts to meet cusÂtomers’ requirements.