Welcome to the world’s most advanced and comprehensive range of Torque Tools, applications and services.
GEDORE Torque Tools proÂvide the accuÂraÂcy and reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty required for almost every torque appliÂcaÂtion and have been proven across a wide range of indusÂtries and demandÂing enviÂronÂments. If you require one Torque Tool, or mulÂtiÂple tools across your busiÂness, GEDORE also proÂvide a full range of supÂport serÂvices, advice and guidÂance on the accuÂrate appliÂcaÂtion of torque.

Selecting your Torque Tool
Require assistance selecting the correct tool for your industry sector and application?
Please contact the sales team for advice and more information.

Torque MeaÂsurÂing Tools are used in many manÂuÂfacÂturÂing and engiÂneerÂing busiÂnessÂes to check deterÂmine or apply the corÂrect levÂel of torque, using a dial or digÂiÂtal readÂout. They perÂform a cruÂcial role in Audit, InspecÂtion, ProÂducÂtion, QualÂiÂty ConÂtrol, Research & DevelÂopÂment and SerÂvicÂing environments.
EngiÂneerÂing and manÂuÂfacÂturÂing depend upon the accuÂrate appliÂcaÂtion of torque to nuts, bolts and fasÂtenÂers. In fact, torque is essenÂtial for process conÂforÂmiÂty, prodÂuct safeÂty and total reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty: serÂvice probÂlems and prodÂuct failÂure can often be the result of insufÂfiÂcient or excesÂsive torque. GEDORE Torque MeaÂsurÂing Tools minÂimise these probÂlems by ensurÂing that the corÂrect torque setÂtings can be applied and checked, with absolute and repeatÂable accuracy.
Our UKAS CalÂiÂbraÂtion LabÂoÂraÂtoÂry ensures absolute accuÂraÂcy, while our sales, marÂketÂing and cusÂtomer serÂvice teams ensure that cusÂtomers are always at the heart of our business.
Most imporÂtantÂly, the experÂtise and skills of our 70-strong team are always focused on the needs of our cusÂtomers for increasÂingÂly effiÂcient, innoÂvÂaÂtive, and reliÂable ways of meaÂsurÂing, applyÂing and calÂiÂbratÂing torque.
EveryÂthing we do conÂforms to exactÂing stanÂdards, both interÂnal and exterÂnal, includÂing ISO and UKAS accredÂiÂtaÂtions for our on-site calÂiÂbraÂtion labÂoÂraÂtoÂry. The qualÂiÂty of our peoÂple, process and facilÂiÂties is your guarÂanÂtee that our tools will delivÂer unsurÂpassed accuÂraÂcy, qualÂiÂty, and durability.

Torque Technology of the Future
GEDORE has been setting standards in the documentation and analysis of measurement data ever since the introduction of digital and electronic torque solutions..
The instincÂtive hanÂdling and high-perÂforÂmance softÂware for inteÂgraÂtion in our cusÂtomers’ processÂes have always been paraÂmount. GEDORE conÂtinÂues to work with cusÂtomers to develÂop torque soluÂtions and serÂvices that meet the conÂstantÂly growÂing requireÂment for digÂiÂtalÂiÂsaÂtion and the assoÂciÂatÂed indiÂvidÂual requirements.
From digÂiÂtal workÂer guidÂance and data transÂfer to intelÂliÂgent cloud-based torque inteÂgraÂtion; join us on the road to the future.

Integration In Production Processes
Our qualÂiÂfied torque experts are availÂable to offer supÂport on all torque fasÂtenÂing appliÂcaÂtions. From selectÂing the corÂrect tool for the process to the proÂcessÂing meaÂsureÂment of data and more, GEDORE is able to supÂport with the right soluÂtion from 0.02 to 54,000 Nm.
Training — Safety From Knowledge
From a basic knowlÂedge to comÂplex appliÂcaÂtions, our cerÂtiÂfied torque experts will train you to your speÂcifÂic requireÂments anyÂwhere in the world. With susÂtainÂable trainÂing conÂcepts and pracÂtiÂcal operÂatÂing examÂples, the comÂplexÂiÂty of torque techÂnolÂoÂgy is conÂveyed to you in a comÂpreÂhenÂsiÂble and effecÂtive way. Our aim is to transÂfer our knowlÂedge to ensure your operÂaÂtors are torque experts.

Our Products. Premium Brands.
Our preÂmiÂum brands meet the highÂest qualÂiÂty stanÂdards in the world. They are, quite simÂply, the best posÂsiÂble investÂment if you require tools and workÂshop equipÂment that will perÂform optiÂmalÂly for many years.

GEDORE Torque Tools
The world’s most advanced and comÂpreÂhenÂsive range of Torque Tools, appliÂcaÂtions and serÂvices. GEDORE Torque Tools proÂvide the accuÂraÂcy and reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty required for almost every torque appliÂcaÂtion and have been proven across a wide range of indusÂtries and demandÂing environments.

GEDORE Hand Tools and Workshop Equipment
Our 3700 sq. metres facilÂiÂty in SkipÂton, North YorkÂshire stocks the catÂaÂlogue ranges for the GEDORE Group prodÂucts includÂing hand tools, workÂshop equipÂment and bespoke tool assortments.

GEDORE Germany
GEDORE is one of the world’s leadÂing partÂners for preÂmiÂum tools. The famÂiÂly comÂpaÂny based in RemÂscheid in GerÂmany has been manÂuÂfacÂturÂing high-qualÂiÂty tools, speÂcial tools and taiÂlor-made soluÂtions for indusÂtry and trade since 1919.

Our History
The world’s finest proÂfesÂsionÂal torque tools, hand tools, and workÂshop equipÂment since 1919.

Our comÂmitÂment is to delivÂer a susÂtainÂable prodÂuct life cycle and the safe use of our tools, savÂing resources and the environment.

Find a Dealer
Our disÂtribÂuÂtors in over 48 counÂtries are facÂtoÂry trained to give a full serÂvice and are able to recÂomÂmend the best prodÂucts to meet cusÂtomers’ requirements.