Our History

A Family of Companies

A world­wide leader, GEDORE remains essen­tial­ly a fam­i­ly of small, high­ly skilled com­pa­nies com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing rapid, flex­i­ble and depend­able ser­vice. GEDORE cus­tomers ben­e­fit by hav­ing a sin­gle point of access to a sub­stan­tial net­work of world-class prod­ucts and people.

While most GEDORE prod­ucts are made in Ger­many, addi­tion­al or spe­cial­ist man­u­fac­ture is also car­ried out in Brazil and South Africa. Strin­gent design, qual­i­ty and mate­ri­als con­trol ensures that wher­ev­er they are made, all GEDORE Tool Group prod­ucts meet exact­ly the same high standards.

Our pre­mi­um brands meet the high­est qual­i­ty stan­dards in the world. They are, quite sim­ply, the best pos­si­ble invest­ment if you require tools and work­shop equip­ment that will per­form opti­mal­ly for many years.

HMS Illus­tri­ous — The Pow­er of Precision

‘At the end of the day, by apply­ing exactly
the cor­rect lev­el of torque to the equip­ment, we’re
sav­ing lives – and we’re also sav­ing money.’

Pet­ty Offi­cer Kei­th Spiller — ROYAL NAVY

For­mu­la One Rac­ing — The Pow­er of Precision

Pow­er and pre­ci­sion At 200 mph, absolute
accu­ra­cy and total pre­ci­sion real­ly matter.
We have sup­plied tools to every F1 racing
team for more than 20 years.

Gedore Ser­vice Tech­ni­cian — Absolute Precision

In the cal­i­bra­tion lab­o­ra­to­ry, we are com­mit­ted to
absolute pre­ci­sion and con­sis­tent accu­ra­cy. I am proud
that every day, we achieve nation­al and international
stan­dards on behalf of our customers.

Air­bus — An Extra­or­di­nary Tale of Engi­neer­ing Imagination*

When Air­bus built the A380, the world’s largest
pas­sen­ger air­craft, they chose Gedore Torque tools
to ensure absolute precision

The Guardian newspaper*

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