

For full product information, view or download our latest catalogues:

Main Catalogues

Compendium Catalogue

The GEDORE Compendium — providing detail on our complete product range including GEDORE Torque Tools, GEDORE Hand Tools and Workshop Equipment.


Compendium RED Catalogue

The GEDORE RED Compendium — providing details on our Tool storage, hand tools and the large range of socket sets in blow moulded cases.


Torque Tools Brochure

The world’s most advanced and comprehensive range of Torque Tools.


Torque Solutions 0.02 — 54,000 Nm

Competence From A Single Source


Industry Sectors

HGV & Heavy Duty Catalogues

HGV Catalogue

Trust GEDORE pre­mi­um tools — pow­er­ful, safe and durable tools, specif­i­cal­ly engi­neered for the HGV Sector.


Heavy Duty 2024

The GEDORE Heavy Duty Cat­a­logue. 158 deals across a wide range of pre­mi­um GEDORE tools engi­neered specif­i­cal­ly for the Auto­mo­tive industry.


Automotive Catalogues

Specialty Tools Catalogue

The GEDORE Spe­cial­i­ty Tools Cat­a­logue — our exten­sive cat­a­logue of pre­mi­um tools and spare parts for the Auto­mo­tive Industry.


Agri Selection

The GEDORE Pre­mi­um Tool Range For Agri­cul­ture. A wide range of agri­cul­tur­al tools for both stan­dard and spe­cial appli­ca­tions, GEDORE pre­mi­um tools ensure effi­cient repairs and main­te­nance on agri­cul­tur­al machines.


HV Range 1000 Volt

Trust GEDORE Pre­mi­um Tools when work­ing with high volt­ages — the HV Range includes a wide range of the high­est qual­i­ty tools, includ­ing tool sets, repair kits and a tool trol­ley with an assort­ment of high-volt­age tools.



The GEDORE Solu­tions Pro­mo­tion — a wide range of spe­cial­ist tools and 159 top deals for the Auto­mo­tive industry.


Transport & Logistics

GEDORE tools are used by most, if not all, of the world’s lead­ing auto­mo­tive man­u­fac­tur­ers. This brochure pro­vides an overview of the GEDORE pre­mi­um tools com­mon­ly used in spe­cif­ic sec­tors with­in the trans­port and logis­tics industry.


Renewables Catalogues

Manufacturing Catalogues

GEDORE Renewables Brochure

The GEDORE Renew­ables brochure — an overview of the GEDORE pre­mi­um tools com­mon­ly used in spe­cif­ic sec­tors with­in the renew­ables industry.



The GEDORE Man­u­fac­tur­ing brochure — an overview of the GEDORE pre­mi­um tools com­mon­ly used in the FOOD & BEVERAGE, ELECTRONICS and PHARMACEUTICAL & CHEMICAL sectors.


Product Categories

Ratchets And Sockets Brochure

Pow­er­ful, safe, durable: ratch­ets and sock­ets from GEDORE are made to meet the high­est demands for long-term use. Whether in heavy indus­try or pre­ci­sion mechan­ics, GEDORE tools are at home wher­ev­er pre­ci­sion, safe­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty are required. 


Spanners Brochure

The key to suc­cess: per­fect work results can only be reached with the per­fect span­ner. The name GEDORE stands for exact nom­i­nal dimen­sions, long ser­vice life, full torque trans­mis­sion and work safe­ty worldwide. 


Screwdrivers Brochure

The per­fect twist: The tight­en­ing and loos­en­ing of screws is prob­a­bly one of the most fre­quent tasks in every­day work. It is there­fore all the more impor­tant to have a great screw­driv­er at hand. 


VDE Insulated Tools Brochure

When work­ing on elec­tri­cal instal­la­tions or hybrid and elec­tric vehi­cles, safe­ty at work is the top pri­or­i­ty. With insu­lat­ed tools from GEDORE, you are on the safe side. 


Pliers & Grips Brochure

A firm grip on every­thing: GEDORE Pli­ers are engi­neered to grip secure­ly, last as long as pos­si­ble and not dam­age the work­piece whilst being easy to use. The func­tion­al­i­ty, qual­i­ty and user-friend­li­ness of GEDORE pli­ers are ensured by the our unique man­u­fac­tur­ing process. 


Pullers Brochure

Con­cen­trat­ed pow­er, forged from steel: GEDORE Pullers effort­less­ly move loads weigh­ing sev­er­al tonnes. GEDORE Pullers are per­fect for when­ev­er com­po­nents such as roller bear­ings, gear wheels or oth­er machine ele­ments need to be safe­ly released from the fric­tion-locked connection. 


Workshop Equipment Brochure

Mobile or sta­tion­ary tool trol­leys and work­bench­es from GEDORE. For effi­cient organ­i­sa­tion of your GEDORE Tools, they there­fore are indis­pens­able in work­shops and indus­tri­al sites. 


Module System Brochure

The areas of appli­ca­tion in which the GEDORE tool range is used are just as var­ied as its range of tools. The GEDORE mod­u­lar sys­tem was devel­oped to ensure that every work­er at every work­place has the best pos­si­ble com­bi­na­tion and the great­est pos­si­ble flex­i­bil­i­ty in select­ing the tools they need. 

HMS Illus­tri­ous — The Pow­er of Precision

‘At the end of the day, by apply­ing exactly
the cor­rect lev­el of torque to the equip­ment, we’re
sav­ing lives – and we’re also sav­ing money.’

Pet­ty Offi­cer Kei­th Spiller — ROYAL NAVY

For­mu­la One Rac­ing — The Pow­er of Precision

Pow­er and pre­ci­sion At 200 mph, absolute
accu­ra­cy and total pre­ci­sion real­ly matter.
We have sup­plied tools to every F1 racing
team for more than 20 years.

Gedore Ser­vice Tech­ni­cian — Absolute Precision

In the cal­i­bra­tion lab­o­ra­to­ry, we are com­mit­ted to
absolute pre­ci­sion and con­sis­tent accu­ra­cy. I am proud
that every day, we achieve nation­al and international
stan­dards on behalf of our customers.

Air­bus — An Extra­or­di­nary Tale of Engi­neer­ing Imagination*

When Air­bus built the A380, the world’s largest
pas­sen­ger air­craft, they chose Gedore Torque tools
to ensure absolute precision

The Guardian newspaper*

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HMS Illus­tri­ous — The Pow­er of Precision

‘At the end of the day, by apply­ing exact­ly the cor­rect lev­el of torque to the equip­ment, we’re sav­ing lives – and we’re also sav­ing money.’

Pet­ty Offi­cer Kei­th Spiller — ROYAL NAVY

For­mu­la One Rac­ing — The Pow­er of Precision

Pow­er and pre­ci­sion At 200 mph, absolute accu­ra­cy and total pre­ci­sion real­ly mat­ter. We have sup­plied tools to every F1 rac­ing team for more than 20 years.

Gedore Ser­vice Tech­ni­cian — Absolute Precision

In the cal­i­bra­tion lab­o­ra­to­ry, we are com­mit­ted to absolute pre­ci­sion and con­sis­tent accu­ra­cy. I am proud that every day, we achieve nation­al and inter­na­tion­al stan­dards on behalf of our customers.

Air­bus — An Extra­or­di­nary Tale of Engi­neer­ing Imagination*

When Air­bus built the A380, the world’s largest pas­sen­ger air­craft, they chose GEDORE Torque tools to ensure absolute precision.

The Guardian newspaper*

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