GEDORE Mobile and Sta­tion­ary tool trol­leys and work­bench­es – per­fect for organ­is­ing and pro­vid­ing mobile workplaces.

GEDORE has been devel­op­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing tool trol­leys and rolling work­bench­es since 1954. The ear­ly Inspec­tor and Adju­tant mod­els are still clas­sics today. With tech­ni­cal evo­lu­tion, GEDORE has con­stant­ly devel­oped the fea­tures fur­ther. Robust and sta­ble bod­ies made from par­tic­u­lar­ly thick steel sheet, scratch-resis­tant pow­der coat­ing, pre­ci­sion ball bear­ings for fixed and swiv­el cas­tors and the spe­cial GEDORE high-per­for­mance chas­sis make the work­shop assis­tants so special.

Mod­els with dif­fer­ent draw­er widths and depths, stor­age com­part­ments and option­al­ly avail­able rear pan­els allow flex­i­bil­i­ty and speed. All tool trol­leys and bench­es are com­pat­i­ble with GEDORE CT inserts and can be indi­vid­u­al­ly or mod­u­lar­ly equipped.

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